Major Projects
City of Worland Water Supply
In 1979, while drilling for oil, Husky Oil discovered an abundant source of drinking water in the Madison Aquifer. The artesian well was given to the City of Worland for use as a municipal water supply. Two years later the city drilled another well and began construction on a 22-mile transmission line to bring the water to town. The wells produce over 5 million gallons per day at a wellhead pressure from 140 psi to 210 psi.
Eagle Engineering & Surveying, Inc. (FKA Donnell & Allred, Inc.) was involved in the conceptual development and construction engineering of the wells, transmission line and various structures included in the project. The project consisted of 22 miles of large diameter pipeline, two well houses, two low zone pressure reducing stations and a chlorination and pressure reducing station.
As part of the supply system, we designed and oversaw construction of two 2.5 million gallon prestressed concrete water storage tanks. The walls for the tanks were cast in place with internal vertical rods. Several miles of high-tension steel cable wrapping around the tank provide support for the walls. The East Tank was located along the new transmission line. The West Tank required another 1 1/2 miles of 20" and 16" pipeline to connect to the existing city system.
We have also designed and overseen construction of over 33,000 feet of new and replacement water mains throughout the city over the past 15 years.
As Worland's City Engineers, Eagle Engineering & Surveying, Inc. (FKA Donnell & Allred, Inc.) continues to design projects every year for a safe and efficient water supply system for the citizens of Worland. We also work very closely with the Big Horn Regional Water System to supply world class Madison artesian water for the Big Horn Basin, from Greybull south to Lucerne-Kirby, including Wyoming Whiskey. Our water has been dated at over 8,600 years old and has placed as high as 6th in the world in a blind taste test competition.
City Hall Parking Lot
In 1997, as part of a WYDOT project along Big Horn Ave, Eagle Engineering & Surveying, Inc. (FKA Donnell & Allred, Inc.) designed the reconstruction of the parking lot adjacent to City Hall. The parking lot provided 36 parking spaces for the downtown area. This redesign included decorative sidewalks, landscaping to beautify City Hall and a unique trench drain along the length of the lot to catch storm water.
Basin Streets and water
Basin Street Paving
Eagle Engineering & Surveying, Inc. (FKA Donnell & Allred, Inc.) has provided design and construction inspection for paving approximately 10 miles of Basin streets. We also designed over 15,000 feet of water line to be constructed along with the street paving.
Bike Path and pedestrian walkway
In 2000, Eagle Engineering & Surveying, Inc. (FKA Donnell & Allred, Inc.) designed a bike path and pedestrian bridge for the Town of Basin. The 1-mile pathway travels from the residential area up to the baseball diamonds. It then follows the canal back to town. This scenic loop provides the residents of Basin with a safe and enjoyable way to travel to and from Maloney Park.
The bike path crosses over a large draw in two places. A weathered steel bridge was constructed at the first crossing and an 8 foot diameter culvert was used at the second. Decorative lights were installed every 90 feet to provide safe travel at night and to enhance the aesthetics of the project.
We were able to help Basin pay for this project through obtaining TEAL funds from WYDOT for 80% of the project cost.