Major Projects
Worland Middle School
Eagle Engineering & Surveying, Inc. (FKA Donnell & Allred, Inc.) has been involved in the design of Worland's new Middle School since very near the beginning. CTA Architects and Engineers of Billings, Montana was hired to design the new school. CTA asked Donnell & Allred to preform the initial site survey. We took well over a thousand shots to determine property lines, existing structures and half-foot contours.
As the design progressed, CTA realized the benefit of bringing us onboard to do the site design. This gave CTA an engineering presence with a local perspective for site design as well as familiarity with Worland's needs and wishes. We designed the site grading, a 700 foot extension of Howell Avenue and site appurtenances such as basketball courts, fencing and signs. We also laid out the 300 space parking lot, curb & gutter and storm drainage facilities.
A unique aspect of this project was the need to handle all stormwater drainage onsite for the new developed areas. We elected to use economical boulder pits to retain the stormwater underground. These pits first store the stormwater and then allow it to slowly percolate into the underlying soil. All that is visible from above ground is a small slotted grate on the top of the catch basin.
By working closely with CTA and the School Board we were able to provide site for the new school that is both aesthetically pleasing and economical.
West Broadway in Thermopolis
Eagle Engineering & Surveying, Inc. (FKA Donnell & Allred, Inc.) was hired by WYDOT to design the reconstruction of West Broadway Street in Thermopolis including the intersection with 6th Street. The project presented many challenges that were overcome to provide an economical design that met the needs of all involved.
WYDOT felt there would be considerable public interest in the project so they asked us provide artistic renderings of the intersection and retaining wall showing before and after scenarios. To improve visibility and sight distance at the intersection WYDOT needed to eliminate a median one block west of the intersection that had been there for many years. We used our GEOPAK road design software to generate the new pavement section without the median in this area. We then overlaid it on a digital photo and touched it up in a graphics program. These were used to help the public understand and visualize the impacts that the new construction would have on the aesthetics of the roadway.
Other design challenges included lowering the grade of the roadway about 1 foot down Old School Hill to allow better drainage and sight distance at 8th Street, providing new storm sewer up to 9th Street where the roadway sloped at about 7.5%, incorporating a 4 foot retaining wall along Old School Hill to maintain slope stability and designing a new intersection layout with bumpouts on the east side.
Wyoming Boys school water & sewer line
Eagle Engineering & Surveying, Inc. (FKA Donnell & Allred, Inc.) was tasked to design and supervise the construction for extending water and sewer systems from the City of Worland to serve the Wyoming Boys School south of Worland.
The water portion of the Project included a packaged booster pump station with power backup, 27,750 feet of 8" PVC water line, 9 air/vacuum valves, 2 canal crossings, one creek crossing, a metering station and a 300,000 gallon Hydro Pillar elevated water tank, including the removal of the existing water tower.
The sewer system included 14,700 feet of 6" PVC force main, two 2 dual pump lift stations with power backup, 10,560 feet of PVC gravity sewer main, 41 force main manholes and 32 gravity manholes.
The 300,000 gallon Hydropillar water tank constructed by Pittsburgh Des Moines Steel Company is a landmark that is visible for several miles as you approach the City of Worland from the south.
The water system was recently tied into the Big Horn Regional Water System, which increased the pressure and continued south all the way to Lucerne-Kirby, so it now serves a much larger area, including the Town of Kirby as well as supplying Madison artesian water to the Wyoming Whiskey plant.